Behind the unassuming moniker is Jonny Gore—the singer of Least of These. LoT has a storied history with Tuned Up. They played one of the first events we booked (which also featured Oceanspeak, The Walking Tree, and Taking the Hourglass). Their albums have made many a year-end list, and they became one of Ray Cobra’s faves.
But there is always room for a new era, right?
Enter WORDS. This project definitely carries a lot of the same emo and indie tendencies of Least of These but hits hard. The ambient beginning to single “Wake” definitely lends almost a false sense of security before exploding into emotion. Ron Burgundy in Anchorman comes to mind: “I’m living in a glass case of emotion!” Take this song seriously though—it definitely comes across that way. That’s my lame attempt at using humor to describe an effect the song has, not to imply it’s in any way comical.
The sound of WORDS isn’t comical—rocking out is encouraged, perhaps even expected. Expect more to come on Honey Gold Records in the near future. Enjoy our Q&A below with Jonny Gore, and catch him performing in the Radon Lounge Saturday afternoon (the 6th) at 4pm.
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
A 6-song EP discussing consciousness, morality, and the connection between humans. Also Strawberry.
If your music was a cocktail (or other liquid concoction), what would it be?
The EP is called TREES and my best attempt at taking inspiration and turning it into a 2000-2005 experimental post-hardcore album. So you could call it an Old Fashioned.
What’s a memorable live show you’ve played?
Cornerstone 2008 “Encore 2” stage.
What music has really impacted you this year? Why?
Seeing The Sound Of Animals Fighting live this year changed my entire perspective of what a show can be and how it can make you feel.
What books or films have impacted you in the past year? Why?
- The Coddling Of The American Mind
- 12 Rules For Life “An Antidote To Chaos”
- The War Of Art
- Selected Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Why? To hear new ideas, be inspired, and learn.
- Moana – [the] music made me all feelsy
- Coco – same as above plus I’m half Hispanic so all the characters reminded me of half my family.
What is your one weird thing you never tour without?
What is that don’t miss spot in your hometown?
Baker’s Drive-In
Besides Audiofeed, what is a don’t-miss festival?
Punk In Drublic Festival
What is the most exciting thing happening in your world right now?
Preparing to move with my wife and son and preparing to release the TREES EP.