Wholesome Indie from Nathan K’s new Song “Angelean”

By Ryan G

Today we are coming at you with a new song from Nathan K.

Nathan is a singer-songwriter we had the pleasure of meeting this past summer at our favorite festival Audiofeed (which you’ll see us obnoxiously promote on our social media platforms, probably forever). He actually used to perform in an indie pop act from Michigan called Stepdad. I have a memory of catching this band live at Scarlet and Grey Cafe in Columbus, OH during the early days of Tuned Up. It’s a faint memory, but funny to think that Nathan and I may have already crossed paths over a decade ago. Today, Nathan K is based in Nashville, TN and is found a home amongst the misfits of the faith-adjacent DIY community known for forming the backbone of Audiofeed, Bloodline Fest, and the defunct Take Hold and Flood City Fests.

Nathan’s approach to sound in his new song “Angelean” is something I would place in the whimsical, indie corner of singer-songwriters. The feel is light and approachable to just about anyone. Snobs or normies alike. The song is a cover of a track penned by Edgar Cayce & His Guitar, one that will be known to stalwarts of the Michigan DIY scene. Given my memory of my interaction with him this past summer, nothing is surprising about way Nathan chooses to convey this track; I actually completely missed that it was cover at first.

Says Nathan K of the song: “It’s a nostalgic song about the sweetness of childhood friendships, the pain of growing apart, and feeling like you won’t ever find friends like that again.”

Dive into this unique intersection of cultures and listen to the track below. Then, follow Nathan K on Instagram.

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