The Midnight announces Midwest tour exclusively at Arby’s locations

By Ryan G

Retrowave duo The Midnight have announced their next tour, and it’s going to be one to remember. The nostalgic synth loving duo, known for albums like Monsters, Kids, Endless Summer, and last year’s Heroes will be embarking on the unconventional tour this summer.

Why Arby’s? It started when their manager had a craving for a beef and cheddar sandwich for lunch. He found himself suddenly transfixed by the visual before him – a sunroom, fake plants, and fixtures seemingly frozen in time from the early 90s. We got exclusive access to the photo the manager texted to Tyler Lyle.

“I immediately fell in love with the idea,” mused Lyle. We would have preferred to tour Rax locations to really drive home the nostalgia factor, but those don’t exist anymore.”

“The average Joe isn’t thinking of hipster dives in trendy neighborhoods when they think of their childhood summers. They’re thinking of late-night fast food in Anytown, USA.”

In other words, a boring joint in the suburbs is the ideal spot for someone to get the full The Midnight DJ set immersive experience.

Where will the duo tour next? “I dunno, maybe Steak n Shakes?” said Lyle with a wry smile. Until that happens, break out your neon laced windbreakers and crank that synthwave!

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