Sherman Baker is a one man band from Sacramento, California. This self titled third album is a drift through a strange trip to say the least. The thing feels a nostalgic trip to the past inspired by a time you cannot quite place your finger on. Several songs feel almost like memories. You’re pretty sure you haven’t experienced them yourself but they still feel familiar. That sensation comes from Baker’s poetic realism-based lyrics and natural singing voice. The songs aren’t what I would call sad, but more stoic. Things in life don’t always go completely right. There is still warmth from the folk guitar and a moving forward tone.
The album starts off with “The Knave”, a medieval style tale of having your life going well but having the threat of total failure always over your head. Later “Highway Prayer” comes as the perfect auditory visual of a late night self reflective drive. Things pick up beat with “Sean” and “Born to Ride.” My personal favorite “And Then Nothing” has a marching beat and a chorus similar to “over the river and though the woods” with “A Day in the Life” tone. The EP ends with my other favorite “Oregon to Washington” peaceful lullaby
The EP releases Feb 11 and the video for his first single “Ducks in a Row” is up now to check out.