Rebuilder – Local Support

Rebuilder envisages a future which will be full of heartache and broken promises, though the present hurts them too, with constant curveballs coming their way. Every step forward becomes stricken by pain, despairing thoughts and depressive tendencies, and the band want to see the light. Just a small beam will suffice.

The light seems to be shrouded out by a darkness so thick and unmeasurable, that the band try to focus on their art to cut through it and the unwanted noise. Lyrically, the act speaks the truth, not masking anything, and they describe the decay and death so vividly that it can make the listener think and feel seamlessly.

Every lyric means so much, every riff makes a great sequence, and the band does not hold back at any moment as they push for a better outcome. The album, Local Support, is their cry for redemption and a much needed a chance at creating a life which doesn’t revolve around bated breaths and painful memories.

11 songs make up this record. Hold On dishes out that punk sound well. Riots ruin the streets, and the band can’t help but feel the brunt of disaster. Those melodies are seamlessly entwined. Wedding Day begins slowly, and the acoustic guitar takes centre stage for a few seconds until the rush comes in. It’s a volatile song about life choices.

One Hundred Days opens fast, delivering golden riffs and harmonies, and the act wants to feel alive in the midst of drama. They’re succumbing to the dark memories, though they’re fighting against the void.

Rebuilder shows their pain here, and their battle scars are fresh, but their music really does strike a chord, and it resonates on such a level where the listener might feel apart of commotion.

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