Today, February 18, 2023, Yoko Ono is 90 years old. To mark the occasion, a new website has been created based on Yoko’s “Wish Tree” concept, where people can submit their wishes online and contribute to the planting of trees worldwide. The website, called “Wish Tree for Yoko Ono,” will be launched on Yoko’s birthday, and is a collaboration between Sean Ono Lennon and One Tree Planted. Yoko’s original Wish Tree installations, which have been present in over 35 countries since 1996, have collected nearly 2 million wishes. The new virtual platform will allow people to post their wishes and interact with the online Wish Tree. The Wish Tree for Yoko Ono website was developed by James Swindells and Loud Beings.
Plant a Wish Tree:
Photo credit: Erika Barahona Ede ©FMGB Guggenheim Bilbao Museo