Pentimento – I, No Longer

Words: Juliet Kozlow

I’ve followed Pentimento since early 2013. I’ve constantly enjoyed that they actively try to fix their scene and better themselves, all while putting out possibly the most enjoyable pop punk rock I’ve listened to in years. I, No Longer is the best sophomore release Pentimento could’ve put out- a well-rounded album featuring a softer side with that familiar angst I’ve come to anticipate from this group.

“My Solution is the Lake,” the lead single and second track, introduces the listener to Pentimento’s specific brand of melodic pop punk. Twisting, complex lyrics bring around the main theme for the album; relationships that go sour, and not being sure how to deal with that inevitable end.

“Sink or Swim” is the first essential listening track for this album. It’s wishy-washy, if you can pardon the water reference, because it’s someone knowing that they’re not doing what they should be doing, but not being sure if they can do what they want to be. It’s a story of anxiety and depression- seeing how everyone else should and could succeed, but being clueless how to make it happen for yourself.  “Clever Reason” and “Got My Answer” go hand in hand, despite not being sequential. The latter feels like the reprisal of the former, and both remind me of the now defunct Tickle Me Pink with their melodic structure.


Despite it essentially being a re-release from this past summer, “Stuck Forever” maintains being one of my favorite tracks. The anthemic chorus is one of the catchiest I’ve heard in ages and the lyrics, discussing how people will get so far into a relationship it’d be too hard to walk away from even as it goes south, are relatable in friendship and romantic aspects alike.

With some of the most relatable lyrics in the first few lines of the song, “Gateway” is essential listening for college age nineteen/twentysomethings. Detailing the experience feeling lost and confused and watching a friend take their downward spiral while dealing with your own issues, then trying to find your way back to the start – Pentimento continues to highlight their clever way of telling stories.

“Tiger Eye” seems to be a disconnected love song, still caring for someone as they hit rock bottom but knowing you need to take care of yourself to- ‘Don’t you date love anyone who doesn’t deserve your love’ is something to internalize and remember. “Slow But Sure” is the highlight of this half of the album. Even though it could be argued some of the lyrics are simplistic compared to earlier tracks, get to the chorus sung as a round towards the two minute mark and realize how perfectly it all works together.

“No Matter What” and “Tell Me” round out the album and are absolutely the two strongest on the album. “No Matter What” is longing for a relationship, trying something that’s destined to fail- something everyone will do a few times when they feel lonely enough. The subject of the song just can’t let go as easily as they wanted to, leaving a hint of mistake in every subsequent interaction the pair will have afterwards.  Strong drums with a bright guitar open “Tell Me,” a direct contrast to lyrics that sing of a similar story to that of “No Matter What”- having difficulty letting go of a relationship one party was more invested in than the other.

In total, I, No Longer explores themes of relationships and fear of the future in a way similar to that of Mayday Parade, if Mayday Parade dropped the pop aspect. Pentimento aren’t going to be the ‘saviors’ of the pop punk scene by any stretch. But they will churn out some of the most enjoyable, authentic jams that I’ve heard in years while humanizing themselves by staying on point with their knowledge of and interaction with social issues- and isn’t that close enough?

Pentimento: Facebook

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1 Comment

  1. Cole Costello

    Tiger eye is definitely not a love song, tiger eye is about fear of losing his father.


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