The Ninth Life Meowtal Show is a charity metal event organized to support Ninth Life Cat Rescue, a Toronto-based charity. The event will be held at The Rockpile in Toronto, Ontario on February 26th, 2023. Michael Johnson, the organizer of the event, has been a cat lover for a long time and has fostered many cats for the rescue.
The event will showcase some amazing heavy acts from Ontario, including PILLARS OF AUTUMN, a technical deathcore band from St. Catherine’s, CNTRL, a Toronto-based sci-fi/horror-themed technical death metal band, MORTALFALL, who specialize in atmospheric gothic doom metal, and AXMINISTER, whose sound is influenced by bands such as SLAYER, MEGADETH, and MANOWAR, are also part of the lineup.
Online tickets for the event are available for $16.66, and tickets can be purchased for $20 at the door. Tickets are available here: Eventbrite Link