Neck Deep orchestrates a sound which augments pop punk in waves, and the band has always been true to themselves, creating songs that always detail certain hurt and broken love, while they try to fix their own lives. From the beginning of this self-titled LP, anger pulses through, a rage burgeoning at every opportunity.
It takes strength and motivation to lift your head from the pillow and take on the world, in the morning, when you’re hungover and out of spark, though Neck Deep show they’ve got the right tones and the notes, the harmonies and melodies all correct here, even when the room spins.
Neck Deep shifted from being a normal pop punk act to an original one with this record. Pushing these elements forward and adding their own stamp, has given them a new lease of life. These songs also tie in with the story, a chronicle for the brave and the ones travelling through mayhem.
There are 10 songs on this album. Heartbreak Of The Century begins with pop punk hooks and the tones are well-adjusted. That chorus cuts in and shows the band is one for catchiness.
Take Me With You has a slower tempo at the start until the riffs come in frenetically, stirring the melodies. Again, it’s a chorus that matches the frantic pace.
It Won’t Be Like This Forever boasts well-developed riffs and the band become brooding here, showing their moody side, though they crave solace. It’s another accomplished track.
Neck Deep show they’re still in the frame to be pop punks’ main attraction, and this record is an emotional collection.
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