Miniature Tigers – Cruel Runnings

By Juliet Kozlow

Miniature Tigers have transformed their sound through every release- 2012’s Mia Pharaoh played with melding Tell It To the Volcano’s Weezer-esque pop punk and playful electronic 80’s influences. However, a release perfectly timed at the start of summer, Cruel Runnings appears to be where Miniature Tigers have found their footing.

“Swimming Pool Blues” is sure to be the anthem to every concert drive I do this summer, perfect for long drives home and reminiscing about good times. Lead single “Used To Be The Shit” laments over a failed relationship and is made to be background music to a summer fling gone south. Charlie Brand’s vocals carry the delightfully cheesy song from start to finish and through the whole album is quite an impressive highlight.

The third track, “Oblivious,” continues the established theme of summertime fun. Miniature Tigers captured the hot, sunscreen scented bubblegum pop side of summer and packed it into a 34 minute release that, in four months time, will be just the album to beat the winter blues that always seem to settle in. As the smoothest follow up possible to “Oblivious,” “Dream Girl” sings of – you guessed it! – the perfect girl and all the romantic fuzzies that come along with a head over heels crush.

“Sadistic Kisses” opens up with “I’m a glutton for your punishment / slave tied up in the basement” – lyrics totally fit more for some death metal BDSM supporting band – juxtaposed over the sweetest piano melody and bass-line combo. The song feels like an ironic play on what is expected of a pop-alt song and to me, shows the promise that Brand brings to this genre. I’m ridiculously partial to lyrics and melodies that don’t quite match up but still mesh fantastically and this hits every criteria to be a new favorite song of mine.

“Better Apart” revisits “Swimming Pool Blues”‘ break up route- but this time, the anrrator is calling the shots. Although he may sound wistful, he’s not necessarily mourning the end of the relationship, but mourning the fact that he can’t rekindle the flames right now because they need some time away from one another.

As we reach the 25 minute mark of the album, “I Can’t Stop” wears on the listener a bit. It’s just as upbeat as the rest of the album and as enjoyable as it is, my foot is getting tired of tapping along to the beat. Thankfully, Miniature Tigers seem to answer my prayers with “Give It Up To Guru,” a slower song that one could slow dance to if the mood arose after watching Netflix restlessly late at night with your summer fling. It’s a refreshing change in pace that lasts not a second too long before “Selfish Girl,” a track that seems to be the follow up to earlier’s “Dream Girl,” kicks in. It’s full of reminiscing on the crush and how even though he idealized his girl so much, he can’t really get away from her despite the faults in their relationship that are becoming more obvious.


Rouding out the album in a carefully reflective manner is “Frazier Avenue.” Although upbeat, calmer than the rest of the album and encapsulates how everyone feels as it grows closer to September and classes and responsibilities are about to kick in.

In short, Miniature Tigers captured every piece of summer and packed it into a fast, upbeat album made for a drive to the city or to the beach with your best friends. Cruel Runnings shows that it could be absolutely formidably entertaining live and single “Used To Be The Shit” has promise to be the song of the summer if the right station or commercial picks it up. Pick up a copy now before you’re left behind, sunburned and without any aloe!

Standout Tracks:

1. Used To Be The Shit

2. Sadistic Kisses

3. Swimming Pool Blues

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