Words: Ryan Getz
It’s not too often I write about an app on here, so you can bet your butt it’s music related.
A few weeks ago, I was pitched via email the chance to access a beta version of Hyperspectiv, a new photo manipulation app designed by an expert team, including Justin Boreta of The Glitch Mob. Having been impressed by The Glitch Mob’s innovative live show a year and a half ago, I was eager to test out this app.
Hyperspectiv a the psychedelic and EDM music lover’s paradise. Or if you just really like weird art. Or if you like staring at your face and laughing at yourself like the girl in this video.
In summary (this is gonna be difficult to say in short), you can take photos and video through the app. You have 28 base “modes” of photo manipulation you can use. In each mode, you can adjust hues, brightness, add a mirror for odd “reflective” effects, etc. Here are some examples.
Here is my face with the “Lugosi” effect applied.
Here is my face again a bit of distortion.
Here is my face with the distortion and the mirror effects on. You can see some of the toggle buttons at the bottom of the screenshot.
I’m not really sure what’s going on here.
Here I look a little worried.
And this might give you nightmares.
So, as you can see, the possibilities are just about endless for what you can come up with. I found the app to be visually appealing in its layout and its functionality to be intuitive.
I see a lot of DIY weirdo music videos in our future.