Hoosier Monthly Digest: April 2019 Edition

April was a month of discovery for me, with only one artist being a name I have previously featured on the blog. Last month’s picks include acts ranging indie pop, R&B, folk, and hip-hop, all of which I either just caught wind of in the past month or have new music that released sometime during the month of April.

Clint Breeze and the Groove – “Lavender”: Despite their debut album Arrival just being released in April, Clint Breeze and the Groove have been receiving all sorts of acclaim around Indianapolis for quite some time now. Needless to say, an album seems long overdue from this crossover act already notorious in their home city for their unique hybrid of jazz fusion and hip-hop. Admittedly, the rocking opener “Lavender” feels significantly more funk metal than the rest of Arrival, and although it’s a fun song with an uplifting chorus, emcee Pernell From Pike also isn’t afraid to touch on real issues over its four-and-a-half minute lifespan.

Boyhood Bravery – “Nests”: Boyhood Bravery’s chilling new single “Nests” actually released at the end of March, and it’s one of those songs where you really have to stop what you’re doing in order to fully experience everything it offers. The somber yet lush indie folk tune features a riff that will get stuck in your head, chilling lyrics, vocal harmonies that will bring you to the verge of tears, and a powerful ending that layers vibraphone underneath flute-like keys. It’s a vibe but in a low-key eerie sort of way.

Forstory – “That Something”: On their third single Indianapolis indie pop quintet Forstory continue their trend of putting out fun, summery pop tunes. Though this time around they strongly emphasize the use of synths, even more so than they have done before. The result is an effervescent, subtly sax-infused jam perfect for blasting loudly with the windows down, especially with the weather warming up for good now.


LE Blaq Swan – “Flow Motion”: “Flow Motion” grabs the listener, despite being seemingly laced in contradictions. For one, South Bend’s LE Blaq Swan opens with the line “you know who it is,” although many of our readers probably don’t know who he is… until now, that is. Second, and most interestingly, you likely wouldn’t expect a song this sensual in nature to have a trap beat that hits this hard, and yet that’s precisely what LE is able to pull off here.

You can find all of my Hoosier picks in one place, whether you use SoundCloud or Spotify, each with its own set of exclusives. Be sure to go follow the playlist if you like what you hear!

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