Ten years ago my world had pretty much crumbled. So I moved back home for the first time in ten years. One day I was listening to music and A song came on shuffle I had yet to hear. After that, I listened to the rest of the album. It was released a few weeks before. And that album was The Earth Pushed Back by a group called Have Mercy. I listened to that album five times that day. The lyrics were so honest and real.

Fast forward ten years and Have Mercy is about to release another standout album. Yes, they have released albums since, but this one has that same magic. The songs on this album are some of Brain Swindle’s best lyrics. He has a gift. This album is also the first album with most of the personnel from that first album. It just feels right.

Numb starts with the track “Alive”. I find it very appropriate. It is a great opener, it is going to serve as an introduction or a re-introduction for fans. It has that sound from that first album. But at the same time, you can hear the growth in the band. The song is about toxic relationships, be it friendships or significant others, and how we become codependent on them. It’s good for us to break away from them, to become “Alive” again. The next track is the title track, “Numb”. My first few listens, this was my favorite track and I still think it is. There is something about Brian’s vocals that are so soothing, even when it is a serious matter. This track is about depression and just feeling like there is nothing you can do about it. The chorus also stands out to me. Again, it’s a bit of a throwback to that first album. “Friday” is another track that stands out. It is one of those tracks where the writer is reminiscing. I enjoy those types of tracks because they make me do the same, good or bad. In this case, it’s good. The ending is great, he just repeats, “I’m in love with you again” over and over. Sometimes we have to go back to those times to appreciate the present. “Big Surprise” is that, a big surprise. This is an acoustic track in the middle of the album and it works. For an acoustic song to sound this heavy is criminal. After hearing this, I would love it if they did an acoustic album. The subject matter is near and dear to me as well, it is about getting sober. And how hard it can be at times. But you know you’re better without. It pulls at the heartstrings. “Hit The Ground” has a line that goes, “Don’t know why you’ve stuck around when it’s so easy to just hit the ground and run away.” Wow, that is something I have thought about more times than I should. It’s so easy to get down on ourselves. But we have to remember and know that we are doing better than we thought. We need to remember that. And that is what this song is talking about. It is a good reminder. “Floating” the last track on the album is just a great song from start to finish. The lyrics, the music, the way it flows. I am huge on good closing songs and this is on. It’s the perfect ending to a journey.

If you are a fan of Have Mercy or just have gotten into them, then you are going to enjoy this album. It is some old with some new, and they pull it off. This is a no-skip album. Every song will be your favorite song. Hopefully, we get some tour dates soon, because this album needs to be heard. You can follow them on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/havemercymd/

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