hands like houses – tropo


Hands Like Houses have always been on the cusp of losing their minds, but in hindsight, their sound has always had those earth-shaking vibrations. The band do things loud too, and their music delivers embedded guitar sequences, rousing choruses and heartfelt lyricism. On Tropo, the act envisages the ghosts running amok, showing their hollowness, screaming for life to draw them back in.  

The loud choruses are engaging, and the band play hard and fast, never letting their guard down, or settling for diluted sounds. This EP proves they’re still at the top of their game, pushing their creativity to the limits, causing hysteria while they go.  

Tropo manages to create a fiery atmosphere through 4 songs too, and there’s not much let up in terms of subtlety. The choruses have also been mastered generously, startling in their progression.  

The EP starts with Heaven. The slow build up flows in and then anarchy ensues. The loud guitars and drums reverberate and nearly break, while the vocal work interconnects brilliantly. It’s an empowering start.  

Bloodrush is a catchy track full of grit and energy. The band is in their element here, totally in control of their muse. Again, the music is unforgiving and unapologetic, pushed to the outer limits.  

Paradise begins with subtle edges but then carries a loud guitar riff. The band is hurting here, and they crave to have control. Sleepless nights have taken their toll, and the outfit wants a purpose to gain light.  

Hands Like Houses has created this EP which deters from the norm. It’s loud and ferocious, but interesting. 

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