Willy Clark is a name that I have seen more and more over the past year, and I absolutely love it. In my eyes that is a sign he is doing something right. I had the opportunity to chat with him a few weeks ago at a show, and he is one that truly loves what he does. Just from talking to him I could hear the passion in his voice. And that passion 100% translates over to his music. Willy Clark is slowly building a fan base here in Columbus, and playing Gnarbeque is only going to build on that. This alone is why I fell he is an act not to miss this weekend.

TUNED UP: What attracted you to this festival?

Willy Clark: My buddy Zach asked me to do the festival, it’s a great opportunity to play with dope bands in Columbus, so I’m super grateful for that.

Are you working on anything at the moment?

Not at the moment just working at my day job and looking for a decent place to record my EP.

What acts are you looking forward to seeing at the festival

Very excited to see snarls, American spirits, and rockstead.

What is your favorite summertime drink?

Lemonade slaps hard af when it’s hot out. I also love a cold PBR.

Favorite summer activity?

Hiking is dope!

What makes a good summer song/album?

Hmmmm, good question. I think good summer song has a saucy drum beat, spicy chords, and relatable lyrics.

Do you have a favorite festival?

No, not at the moment.

If you could have your own festival, what would it be called and who would play the first year?

Fyre Fest, Ja Rule

What is one thing you enjoy about the summer?

Going outside and not being cold.

What are your thoughts on socks with sandals?

Do what you feel.

If you had to pick one thing that makes summers awesome in Columbus, what would it be?

Live music and hanging out with my friends in the music scene.

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