Crowd-sourced review: Twenty One Pilots – “Jumpsuit”

By Ryan G

I have so much fun interacting with the Clique on Twitter and Instagram that I have to subject the new Twenty One Pilots single to our crowd-sourced review treatment. That’s when we post a song and ask our followers and friends to react. Some of our favorites are below:

“It lives true to past TOP, I dig the emphasis on bass. The lyric Jumpsuit just feels kinda weird. I’m not sure if it’s just that it doesn’t flow off the tongue or that very few people have ever used the word “jumpsuit”. Other than that i understood the lyrics and thought it was a great song. The video, like everything else TOP, leaves plenty to think about and wonder about. I dig it.” – Matt Cunningham of Danger Scene

“Loved it! Very much classic Twenty One Pilots. Also, I have so many questions about the video?!?! I always love their theatrics they bring into every album. I think the yellow & black on the neck for insecurities points to their new look on stage…. also though, Where is Josh?!?!” – Heather Evans, singer-songwriter

irst impression on one listen/viewing…lags a bit in the middle but overall I like it. Definitely one that will stick in people’s heads…and I can hoop to it. ” -Tracy Coakley of Hyacinth Hoops

“These songs are very friendly to the ear. It’s easy to comprehend while being complex at the same time. Just the classic tøp making bangers that everyone can enjoy.” -Gabe Maas of Gabe Maas and the Bruins

“I thought the main riff sounded similar to the bass line in the song “I Will Possess Your Heart” by Death Cab For Cutie. Other than that, its pretty cool.” – Austin Hafner of Ex-Nihilo

“Their new material really brings back the vibe of “Heathens” & “HeavyDirtySoul” that solidified them as not only a cult success but as major hit makers across the globe.” – TJ Brown of Beyond Pluto

“I like the instrumentation – it reminds me of the early 2000’s. I don’t think it’s as full of ear worms as their last album. The video reminded me of the As I Lay Dying video for The Darkest Night, mixed with Handmaid’s Tale and a Sith.” -Nikole Meadows of Get in the Ark

And finally, some great analysis from one of the ORIGINAL Tuned Up fans, Mr. Marco Castro of The Castros:

“First of all, we have to give them big-ups for the great viral campaign. A yearlong black out. Synchronized banners popping up all over the world. Great viral cryptic virtual puzzle game.
They were never on a true hiatus!

“We were here the whole time. You were asleep. Time to wake up”

Let’s start by analyzing the video. It kicks off right at the end of the video for heavydirtysoul, and by Tyler’s haircut we can deduce they actually filmed that part back then! So the whole concept and at least this song, were finished way before the end of the Blurryface era! Also if you go back and watch that video, you can see that Josh’s hair color is the same “acid green” as the new color pattern. (Where’s Josh? He probably went the other way or something)

The visuals are a big pay off for the fans that were playing the cryptic virtual puzzle game. The people on the cliff acting as the ravens, etc. The imagery reminds me of RED‘s “Darkest Part” video, and they way it’s part of a bigger cinematic story with previous videos too. The end reveals the new jacket was in the trunk of the car, so can we safely say both albums are related? Is the red caped being Blurryface? Lots of things to unpack, even more with the other song “Nico and the Niners.”

Musically, we can hear elements from the direction they took in Heathens, but with a more angrier bass line and haunting melody. I love the juxtaposition of very chill almost ambient sounds mixed with intense parts and screams a-la Swedish post-hardcore school ( Refused/Blindside (Sweden) ). New sounds and background voices for sure, there’s a female element somewhere in some of the “Cover Me”s and other parts.

Definitely a well thought out concept and marketing. So glad to see bands going the extra mile and thinking outside the box!”

What do you think? Watch the music video below and sound off in the comments.


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