Concert Review + Photography: Midnight Coast at Newport Music Hall (Columbus)


By Corey Leaman

Any band that comes out with a keyboard and ukulele, even if it’s used for just one song, will right off the bat be on my good side. You just have to stick the landing and you’re gold. In my option, Midnight Coast did that.

It was a pretty drastic turn when they came on towards the end of Saturday’s Newport show. Although it was much appreciated by me since I’m not much of a metal fan. After a night of screaming and heavy guitars, it was a nice change of pace since Midnight Coast has a very open sound if that makes any sense. It just felt spacious and flowing with a definite Twenty One Pilots vibe. Their lead singer’s voice matched perfectly with the rest of the music although it was a little hard to understand him with the distortion through the speakers and the energetic but slightly rowdy crowd. There was a good strong energy coming from their music on each and every song. However the performance itself didn’t quite match the same level. The singer seemed a little uncomfortable on the stage and needed to loosen up a bit. Sometimes he would jump and move around but I think he needs to more of it. The band, I think, just need to push themselves a little bit more, and I think they’ll end up being a great solid group. Still Midnight Coast really good and I fully recommend checking them out. I would love to see them again, just this time in a more fitting show.

All photos property of Corey Leaman Photography. Do not use without permission.





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