broken glowsticks – UNIMAGINABLE time

Broken Glowsticks is the alternative project by The Dangerous Summer’s AJ Perdomo, and the music takes elements from the band he fronts. Though, there are themes that stick to The Dangerous Summer’s esthetic and musical mantra, Perdomo takes us through personal stories, flashbacks, broken foundations. It’s a deep dive into his life, and it can get deeply emotional.  

The music has flair and Perdomo is confident. He pushes the sound to its limitations, even raising his vocals to the skies, and letting us know his thoughts and feelings laid bare. He is such a trusted musician, one with endless inspiration, while the darkness floods through his world.  

Unimageable Time is a distinguished representation of song-writer’s desire and beliefs, his ways of dealing with the head on fights, the broken splinters of hope, and the recklessness.  

Coming For You starts off with grungy notes. Perdomo screams, and the chorus bursts in, showcasing a dirty riff. It’s a loud beginning.  

Sleeping Through A Car Crash is a brilliant lyrical masterstroke. Perdomo has a unique way with words, and on this track, he even outdoes himself. Someone is in his head too, striking the memories. 

Dancing On My Own shows the emotions are high. Perdomo sings well as the piano laden sound becomes this incredible part. Lyrically, it is a song-writer’s dream, a lyrical masterclass.  

Funeral Song yet again shows Perdomo’s range, his masterful way of creating worlds, distinctive places. The acoustic sound offers a low-key sound to fit in.  

Broken Glowsticks isn’t just an aimless project, as it has merit and sounds which show different sides.  

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