by Michael Belt | Dec 19, 2015 | Album Reviews, Reviews
Mae keyboardist Rob Sweitzer has had quite the journey getting his own music off the ground. After leaving the band in 2008, Sweitzer had trouble with the demos he had prepared for a new project. Combined with a state of depression, hope for new music seemed lost....
by Michael Belt | Nov 13, 2015 | Album Reviews, Reviews
Here are a few questions for our readers who consider themselves to be devoted connoisseurs of mainstream music: do you remember where were you when Beyoncé released her self-titled surprise record almost 2 years ago? Do you remember what it felt like hitting play for...
by Michael Belt | Oct 26, 2015 | Album Reviews, Reviews
Chart success is to a major label album cycle what promises are to a politician. If you’re lucky, you’ll thrive on it for a while and build a following, but if you can’t emulate that into the fold of following attempts, certain people will lose interest. Whereas a...
by Michael Belt | Aug 30, 2015 | Album Reviews, Reviews
Mention Abel Tesfaye’s moniker The Weeknd over 4 years ago, and nobody would’ve known who you were talking about. The 25-year-old, Ontario-born singer exploded onto the R&B scene in March 2011 with his debut mixtape, House of Balloons. Garnering unanimous praise,...
by Michael Belt | Aug 22, 2015 | Album Reviews, Reviews
What excites me most about multi-release music projects is that you’re treated to something from the same body of work more than once, and with a fresh perspective on the entire work at that. It’s always enjoyable to imagine how the gaps will be filled in, and...