by Mark McConville | Oct 17, 2023 | Album Reviews
Rebuilder envisages a future which will be full of heartache and broken promises, though the present hurts them too, with constant curveballs coming their way. Every step forward becomes stricken by pain, despairing thoughts and depressive tendencies, and the band...
by Mark McConville | Oct 4, 2023 | Album Reviews
In your youth, you feel invincible and ready to take on what comes your way. The hangovers aren’t as ruthless, and love is magically entwined with desire, putting you through the rough motions of life. Your heart grows into a rapid, beating monster, and the world...
by Mark McConville | Sep 23, 2023 | Album Reviews
Cutting themes and burning desire interconnect on this record I Wanted To Show You My World And You Ghosted Me by Born Astray, and the band solidify their presence instantly, pushing their music to the limits while staying humble. There are poppy...
by Mark McConville | Sep 10, 2023 | Album Reviews
Calmgrove delivers intensity on their EP True Color, and they spread their wisdom far and wide, executing these songs with an emotional connection. Pop punk has so many bands under its wing, so when delving into this record, you may feel hesitant, but don’t...
by Mark McConville | Sep 3, 2023 | Album Reviews
Scottish band The XCERTS display a sound that doesn’t reign in their desire to let us know that they’re going through some emotional moments. The band, depict swollen love, and the way it can beat you down, leaving you broken-hearted and cold to the touch....