Tuned Up’s history with Raviner began with a submission to play Steadfast Festival 2017 (headlined by The Classic Crime). Unfortunately, they didn’t get to play, but they were squarely on our radar from then onward.
I made time to catch them live on a business trip to Nashville after discovering they were friends with our pals in Danger Scene. They played a compelling alt-hard rock set in the backroom at the Crying Wolf alongside electro-rockers Glass Mansions. A few months after that they hopped on our preshow at Steadfast 2018.
Then a hiatus happened. Though not as grandiose as the twenty one pilots hiatus™, it certainly kept some folks on their toes.
Enter Kamber, the solo outing of—who else—Kamber Kilgin. Given her presence in Nashville, one might expect her to fall in line with her dark pop industry peers. As the song “Lost in Music City” seems to indicate, she is trying to find her own place and her own sound. The result is an alt-rock sound that is hard hitting but not quite hard rock. If Raviner is PVRIS meets Halestorm, than Kamber’s solo outing is Lizzy Hale after (eh, who am I kidding; I shouldn’t make an analogy here). Kamber is Kamber, whether upbeat or ethereal: “Hurry” demonstrates she’s willing to get a little mysterious, and “City of Roses” explores her emotional side and range a bit more in depth.
While I’m pondering Kamber, I’m reminded that Raviner is off-hiatus and utilizing Audiofeed as a means to explode back on the scene. You can catch them on July 3rd on the Sanctuary Stage (7:30), and July 4th in the Asylum (3:30). Kamber will play a solo set late on July 4th in the Asylum (11PM).
Enjoy our Q&A with the trio below:
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Kamber Kilgin: Mint chocolate chip
Jon Wisecarver: Cookies and cream.
Rob Shollenberger: Cookies and cream.
If your band was a cocktail, what would it be?
J: White Russian
What’s a memorable live show you’ve played? Why?
K: I’m gonna let the rest of the band speak on our fave Raviner shows, but I’ll share one of my favorite solo show experiences. It was this past spring in a small georgia town (Brooks, GA) in the most interestingly beautiful DIY venues I’ve ever played called The Pyramid. It was an actual pyramid-shaped house and music venue built from the ground up by an awesome family right in the middle of the woods. It was absolutely gorgeous. The audience that evening was so lovely and receptive. The experience was almost mystical!
J: In the middle of a field in Rwanda… because it was in the middle of a field in Rwanda.
What music has really impacted you this year? Why?
K: Underoath’s latest record (even though it came out the previous year) Seeing them twice live this year. Incredible songwriting, production, arrangements, etc. Love that band forever.
J: Animals as leaders, The Fray, The Who. Just stuff I’ve been listening to and been influenced by.
What books or films have impacted you in the past year? Why?
K: Recently watched Us by Jordan Peele. It’s provoked a lot of “rabbit holes” about society, morality, and faith. Incredible.
J: Scary Close by Donald Miller, and The One Thing by Gary Keller. And any
music documentary impacts me in a way of being inspired to go on and
move forward.
R: Scary Close was just what I needed to read at that time of my life.
What is your one weird thing you never tour without?
J: I’m weird. I can’t tour without me. Does that count?!
What is that don’t miss spot in your hometown?
K: historical southgate area where edward scissorhands was filmed (Lakeland, FL)
J: At this point it’s any place to take cover. Old neighbor hood went downhill!
R: My home…
Besides Audiofeed, what is a don’t miss festival?
K: Shameless plug for Raviner – Fuel The Fire Festival (Jonesboro, GA July 20th) and Fawkesfest (Aug 24th – Cape Girardeau, MO) ; local Nashville – Notaroo Music Festival ; not to mention Steadfast 😉
J: Fyre of course.
R: Warped tour (RIP).
What is the most exciting thing happening in your world right now?
K: Seeing folks appreciate rock and roll more than ever before. People want that safe place to release, have an experience, etc.