A Good Friday For New Music (Singles Roundup)

With no intent whatsoever at being irreverent, it turns out today (or more largely, this week due to some tracks dropping earlier) for a slew of new tracks. Check out some of the latest and greatest below.

Evan Bieber – Willoughby

Are you a Belieber? If not, Evan Bieber’s latest track certainly will make you one. Take the modern soaked indie sound, tie in some tight drum programming, and round things out with lyrics of frustrated displacement. If I didn’t already have my ringtone set as, “I really should have left by now” from Zane Vickery, Bieber’s plea of, “I don’t wanna be here, I don’t wanna be here” would easily make it a perfect candidate. Bieber dropped his first album last year, so if you dig this track, you’ll want to check out the rest of his catalog.

Palmetto – Desert

Mix energy of The Killers with the vulnerability and you’ll end up with something like Palmetto’s first single. Reverby guitars ring out like a Western movie soundtrack, while the vocal delivery is dynamic and imminent. There’s definitely a bit of an Americana flavor here as well, even if it’s not the primary element. Ultimately, it’s a polished first offering that isn’t shy to wrestle with the empty places of life.

Gatto Black – Escape You

Who hurt Sal Mastrocola? I’m not quite sure, but she probably deserves songwriting credits at this point. All humor aside, this new era of Gatto Black is already firing on all cylinders. I described “Escape You” on Instagram as “if The Dear Hunter and Tiny Moving Parts had a very angry baby,” and as absurd as this sounds, I genuinely think it’s accurate. There are rhythmic influences with both the vocals and guitar parts that immediately make me think of these other groups, albeit the heavier elements thrown in the mix make it quite a wild ride.


MYFEVER continue in their classic-rock, Americana-tinged brand of indie on “Know”. This is the latest entry off their forthcoming LP due at the end of April, and at this point you probably know if you’re sticking around for it. I know I certainly am, though I certainly have my favorites out of the singles thus far. All this considered, this is a pretty short song at under two and a half minutes which is definitely not the industry standard, but through the track’s runtime there’s so much packed into every moment that you might not even notice its brevity. As far as the chorus goes, the rhyme scheme of “I don’t know” with “I think I’ll go” isn’t going to win any poetry awards, but the song certainly still holds up quite well nonetheless.

Elijah Herrell – Casualties

Elijah Herrell has released his second track from his upcoming debut solo EP, and it just so happens to be the title track “Casualties”. The song speaks largely of Christians working against themselves, but there’s a lot more going on here as well. There’s the story (perhaps autobiographical to Herrell himself) about a boy coming out to his parents after finally mustering up the courage, only to feel worse that he had spoken up at all. Herrell earnestly wrestles with the futility, loneliness, and frustration of feeling at odds with both much of the Christian community and secular community alike, noting he is “too gay, too Christian still”. He pleads for his friends to return to faith, all while understanding that even he hasn’t been guarded from internal pain. Herrell’s perspective is certainly a unique one, holding to a traditional sexual ethic even in light of all of this, and I think there’s a lot we can all learn about conviction from his songwriting.

Christian Funk – Note to Self

The man behind everyone’s favorite Princess Peach Halloween costume has returned with his “saddest song yet”. It’s a track that sees Funk critique his own fears, doubts, and insecurities over a bed of minor-key guitar. Per usual, the song could loosely be described as grunge or hard rock, though there’s a singer-songwriter ethos behind it as well. I personally wish the full-band piece of the track started a bit earlier, but apart from that, it’s yet another solid offering from this north Florida songwriter.

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