Valise – Young Bloomer

By Ryan G

Words: Ryan Getz

What I’m about to write is long overdue.

Young Bloomer by Valise is one of the best and most overlooked national releases of 2015. If I hadn’t make a trip on impulse to see Copeland in Nashville, I might have no idea this band exists, still. Their merch guy described the band as a “mathy Death Cab For Cutie” and while I’m still not entirely sure if that’s an accurate description, or what I would replace that line with, I had a feeling from the get go I was going to fall in love with this band.

From a live standpoint, I might be able to conclude that Valise is the happiest looking pensive band I’ve seen. It also gives me a larger appreciation for what I hear on the record. Case in point, a standout track for me is “Don’t Forget Me”, a song that draws you in and forces you to get lost in beautiful noise that sounds way more complex than it actually is. I eavesdropped on a conversation after the second time I saw them perform where drummer Ricky Johnson was explaining that the song was actually in 4/4 time, perhaps the most straightforward time signature in music. The way the  band interprets the song makes you think it’s a lot more intricate than it actually is. And therein lies the genius approach that Valise takes to their songwriting.

This isn’t to say that there are not a lot of moving parts to the Valise sound. One only need listen to album enders “Airport” part 1 and 2 to experience this. A slow buildup brings the album to a thrilling yet definite conclusion. Other songs, such as the opener “Digadig” are fun and have a very distinct hook in the chorus. Probably the most immediately memorable thing about Valise was the song “Monster” and Ricky’s use of trumpet to bring a sad, jazzy feeling to listeners for a moment. That effect set the tone for my trip to Nashville to see Copeland, actually.

So that ought to give you enough to go on to give Valise a shot. In case it isn’t, I read today that they’re the opening act for Macy Gray this fall, so there’s that.

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Score: 4.6/5

Valise: Facebook | iTunes

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