Premiere: Graceful Closure – “Choices”

By Ryan G

We have a very special exclusive for you today.

Graceful Closure have been at the grind for a long time. Soon they are releasing an EP titled Rév which embodies the direction Graceful Closure finds themselves headed in. The band is a three piece with a distinct indie pop sound that appeals to a wide demographic. The songs are high energy tunes meant to inspire and excite. The first piece of the puzzle is radio single “Choices,” set to impact the airwaves in the very near future.

Frontman Jared Condon had this to say about “Choices”:

We are all fighting against who we are and who we want to be. We live in a world where everyone is trying to promote their agenda. It’s like the world is so loud we can not hear our thoughts over society’s trends. This song is that story. You have a choice… A choice to live… A choice to be more than trends.

Stream the public premiere of “Choices” below and let us know what you think in the comments below:

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