It’s been awhile since I’ve reviewed a release that’s purely pop.
This release ain’t on top 40 radio, although it very well could be. Any of the three songs. It marks the beginning of a new direction for Jane Decker, who began her professional career as a musician still in high school, and fronting the touring band Belle Histoire, who saw some minor success as an indie act on the largely heavy InVogue Records. She briefly emerged as a solo folk artist as “Decker”, then renaming herself “Jane Decker” before disappearing from everyone’s radar for a bit.
Suddenly, we have a short EP. A trio of songs meant to whet the music industry’s appetite for what this powerhouse can do.
The three songs are upbeat and utilize some electronic production, although “watered down EDM” isn’t an accurate descriptor. I’ve heard that phrase used to critique modern pop music before and to use it here would be unfair, although on paper the songs aren’t that dissimilar to what’s popular now.
The songs showcase Decker’s voice, although it’s definitely a departure from what someone who listened to her other projects might be used to. Arguably Jane’s voice is best for pop, although she outshines many of her more popular counterparts in vocal ability. Compare “My Dear”, the single from Belle Histoire’s LP Dreamers with “Stonewallin'” from the EP of the same name. Go ahead, do it now:
[youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube]What do you feel when listening to the two? I’m guessing like a wannabe hipster in a Wes Anderson flick in the first one and like you’re back in high school during the second. Both are equally comfortable (or not, depending on who you are) but one has more mass appeal.
“Ruin” is my personal favorite of the three. It has a sunny feel with a texture reminiscent of a Lorde song. The melody is carried by Jane’s voice. The instrumentals/production is icing on the cake. “Higher” carries the same philosophy, but has an even bigger sounding chorus.
While listening to the EP I feel awkward because I have a feeling 26 year old dudes aren’t the target audience. I’ll tell you what I won’t be doing though. Definitely not gonna be blasting this in my car. Yeah, not gonna do that. I guess what I’m saying is that a release like this will be popular amongst teens, and make those in my demographic question their security in their masculinity because they like this so much.
Well, I like this and now I’m telling you about it! I hope the industry doesn’t try to push her as “the next so and so”. Let her be Jane!