trash boat – crown shyness: emotion and rage

With Crown Shyness, an album that was released in 2018, English band Trash Boat, had taken their emotions to new levels, gifting their fans a collection of rock songs and soft songs alike. The album may have fallen under the radar, but for some it had given them an outlet, songs that resonated and had conviction and macabre notes.  

The band released the album on the much-acclaimed Hopeless record label, and it showed them in a new light, while still sticking to the pop punk sound. The album was also grittier in terms of subject and theme, showcasing the band’s emotions first hand.   

Throughout the album there were moments when it all clicked like a narrative burst, with a story burning to be released to the masses. Lyrically, the band upped their game, using words that were intelligently weaved and constructed to create atmosphere and emotion.  

Lead singer Tobi Duncan really embraced this newfound energy, singing with ferocity and vigor. His style fit perfectly, and the whole band pushed their musical muscles to the limit, making the album of their lives.  

The opening song Inside Out rallied the loudness, making the hair stand up. Duncan sang with a rasp, managing to create such an invigorating sound, while the guitars were a boundless bed for all the tenacity.  

Crown Shyness the track, showed complete beauty but also darkness. Duncan sang with eagerness but also restraint, as he heaped his emotions onto the chorus. It was a true piece of sincerity, a song which truly brought out the best of the band, even though the themes were fragile.  

Undermine was another intense track, boosting the album’s appeal and showing the act could mix it up. This guitar-driven song was a standout, an angry track, but one that featured so many magical moments.  

Trash Boat, on their second album, brought home a rush of rage, but there were some tender moments to savour. It may have been an underground release, but it had such a massive arena sound.  

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