This is all conquering music and melancholy from a band that isn’t afraid to fight on while their mental health takes a beating. Nashville act Whitsett, prove themselves in four songs and tracks that suitably engage with the people who crave an outlet to rest, to stick by, to offer their own thoughts.
There are plenty of moments on this record where sadness comes in thick and fast, like an unrelenting motorcycle which keeps on going. Though this doesn’t make the album crash, it gives the listener a chance to look inside and see these musicians at their most vulnerable.
The four songs don’t abide by the rules of what emo rock should be. Darkness does flood in, but the band’s little empire doesn’t crumble. Depressive notes do flutter in too, and the act is on the ropes at times, dazzling with their brand of music, then sometimes stuck in their own wars. Musically, the band play their instruments well. Those solid arrangements also become key to the source material, while lyrically, the act doesn’t hold back.
These Things Seem Different starts in a rapid-fire way. Misery, A Persistent Hum is a well-rounded song, purposefully pulling at the emotions. The guitar moments blend in convincingly, too. There Is No Map For This commits to poetic lyricism, and the band play this blistering song decisively, pushing their hearts and minds too. It’s a standout song.
Vision begins slowly, and the percussion rapidly pleases, while a strong guitar presence guides the song with an incredible crescendo.
Whitsett has created such a great album that hits close to home.
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