Experience the Glowing Dream Pop of OTNES’ “Light as a Feather”

From the first seconds of “Light as Feather”, it’s hard not to draw comparisons to artists like M83 or MUNA. The arrangement is lush and soft, and the video likewise makes prominent use of mist filters and golden-hour colors to powerful effect. Even so, the song doesn’t shy away from the harder realities of life. It is in one sense birthed of catharsis. OTNES’ latest single is a metamorphosis. We don’t necessarily see the shell of what came first, but we know that beauty comes after.

The video was self-directed, and the result is a compelling visual for a track of this nature. There’s a vintage quality to it, low-contrast and soft edges, that provides a degree of disharmony at times. The concept is definitely more thematic than an overt story, but there’s just enough symbolism at play to really make it work. Check it out below and read on for more details.

‘LIGHT AS A FEATHER’ is my proudest moment as a producer and director. I learned so much in the process of recording / filming this, involved my whole live band in the experience, and also found it to be very healing for dealing with loss. I wanted to show the duality of grief in this video, from the peace I find within my own mind to the chaos and calamity of feeling your feelings out in the world. One of the most poignant parts for me was the ‘alone at the party’ scene, which was made possible by an incredible community of extras here in Nashville and the location Inglewood Lounge (huge thanks!).

OTNES will be touring soon and here are the key dates. You can also keep up with OTNES on social media.

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