Fidlar – That’s Life

Lyrically imaginative and sonically engaging, That’s Life by Fidlar goes against the core of love, and absolutely obliterates it. It isn’t a easy listen at times, though, but it is a clever assessment of life, and it’s punk infused, raucous in its delivery. From the onset, the band means to teach us about how life has cut into them, how their dreams have been smashed to pieces, and their hopes and desires have been drained like a bad infection.

Yearning to be fixed, the band run towards the light at moments, but gets caught up in the gloom, that darkness which coats everything. The lyrics are brazen, to say the least, and they’re not what you say happy or uplifting. They’re straight to the point, pushing against the grain.  

Fidlar tries to force their way through the mess they’ve created, and on this EP, they describe their world as a drug infested cesspit. Though, there’re moments when they ascend from the gutter, trying their best at a normal life.  

Centipede is a eye opening song describing a downtrodden life. The guitars are blistering here, and love gets completely thwarted. It’s a punk infused start. Sand On The Beach goes along the same way, and it conveys again broken love and the effects of being under the influence. The instrumentals, again, are abrasive.

Taste The Money is an angst ridden punk song, with lyrics that test the mind. Overall, it has a riff that pleases. That’s Life is bittersweet and angry, pointing straight at the world and its defences. It seems a little broken this track, and for some it could be too much.

Fidlar does well here to tell us their frustrations, and That’s Life has its moments of utter rage.

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