it’s patio szn again [single reviews]

By Ryan G

Flatfoot 56 – “Sorry”: I’m not sure what Flatfoot 56 has coming down the pike, but “Sorry” is the first new release from the Irish punk band in a hot minute. The song seems to autobiographical to a degree, and surprisingly upbeat. I expected a semi-melancholy sing-along when I pressed play, and a punk pit-ready banger was what I got. In some ways, it sounds like many Flatfoot songs I’ve heard already. I’m not altogether certain if I’ve heard this live at Audiofeed already or not (my favorite music festival). However, one thing is certain: I’ll never not find the juxtaposition of Tobin Bawinkel’s vocals with bagpipes cheery.

yawny yelly glowy floaty – “Set It Up Right”: This single from the cleverly named folky dream pop Texas group was released in February, yet its bouncy nature feels appropriate for the start of warm(er) weather here in the midwest. The music video below is simplistic and expressive in all the right ways, though I wish it had a bit of a brighter aesthetic. That being said, it’s difficult for a project to really stand out these days, especially in the synthpop realm, so I commend yygf (may I use that acronym) for delivering on a nifty bop.

Dan Fuson – “On + Off”: I’m thinking ahead to festival season, which might not be until the fall, but I’m going to pretend it starts tomorrow. Since I’m thinking about that, “On + Off” by Dan Fuson hits the spot, with swelling guitars and a summer-ready hook. Imagine if The Night Game brought his music into midday. That’s what you get with Nashville’s Dan Fuson. There’s an oddly unassuming quality to his vocals as well.

Bang Bang Jet Away – “Long For This World”: San Diego based Bang Bang Jet Away (gotta love that band name) are a nostalgic rock duo set to elevate your mood. The quintessential summer music mood is hearing feel good rock music over a crummy sound system at a lakeside BBQ. This song is fit for that. They should set up shop in Balboa Park and see what happens. One of my favorite YouTubers, Thoraya, often interviews strangers there for a podcast. I wonder if a collaboration is in store.

Ben Conley – “Noah Mount”: The groove that leads off this single is one that screams attitude. The guitar almost seems to groan, as Ben muses thoughts like “it’s only I that can prevent me from being misunderstood.” The song repeats one motif over and over – as Ben pours out his soul. Eventually, things come to a climax; one that makes the rant-like build up worth the payoff. It’s a clever structure.

CHILLEMI – “Neon Bride”: Would it be really corny of me to admit that I hope I marry a “neon bride” one day? I’m a conservative, reserved dude with a heart that leans heavy into the quirky. CHILLEMI seems to be that sort of guy too, though he wears those tendencies more on his sleeve. This alt-country track further strengthens my hopes to travel to Vegas someday.

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