Sitting here on this gloomy Sunday morning I can’t help but listen to something that fits the day. At the moment it’s The Cure as they are a band that is on constant rotation in my world. However the last few months another artist has held that distinction. And that is Black Marble, A Cold Wave act based in Los Angeles by electronic musician Chris Stewart. I’m not sure how I came across Black Marble but I’m glad I did as he just recently released his third full-length, Bigger than Life. So now I have more gloominess to listen to.

Since high school, I have been a fan of The Cure and bands of the like. There is something about those moody dark acts that just resonate within me. So when I find a new one I dive right in and that has been the case here. So when I saw that Black Marble was about to release a new record I knew I had to write about it.

Bigger than Life is the third full-length by Black Marble and it just builds on the last two releases as it should. Right from the start, we are thrust into his world. “Never Tell” is such a good opening track, as it represents what this act is right away and new listeners are welcomed to his world. And his world seems to be very Ian Curtisesque and I for one am here for that. If Ian were still with us he would appreciate Black Marble and be a fan. The gloom continues throughout the album and does not let up. Another standout track is “Daily Driver”. Again Chris lets his influences shine through. This track easily would fit on a mixtape in the 80s with bands such as The Smiths, Joy Division, New Order, Dead Can Dance, and Cocteau Twins. “Feels” is aptly titled. This track is full of the feels. Any song that has a line that goes, “I’m stuck on a merry-go-round, I’m nothing to live up to” you know is going to hit you right in the feelings. This track is one of my favorites, one of those you can listen to repeat ad feel something new and different every single time. “Private Show” is another favorite. If any track is a Cure like track, it’s this one. The intro sounds like something off Wish. It’s poppy and dark at the same time. Something that The Cure mastered. If I were to suggest a track to anyone to start with, it would be this one. It’s also going to get stuck in your head, so be prepared for that.

Overall this release is what I expected it to be. It’s the next step in his career. And from here it’s nothing but up for Black Marble. So if Cold Wave, Synth-Pop, and the 80s are your thing, then I’d give this record a listen.

Follow Black Marble on Facebook.

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