Death Therapy is quite possibly the most under-appreciated, actively touring act on the Tooth and Nail/Solid State Records family at the moment. The excellent Voices is a journey mishmashing industrial electronica, sludge metal, and traditional metal in an intensely satisfying manner.
One only needs to listen to “Feels Like Fiction” to get a sense of the accessible yet groundbreaking sound Jason Wisdom, the brains behind the project, is going for. I knew there was potential when I first experienced Death Therapy on the Black Sheep Stage.
I couldn’t quite place how committed they were. Very committed, as it turns out. And with songs as catchy as they are on Voices, how can you not be? I would love to see what would happen if Death Therapy had an investor that committed a bunch of money to building a real production to go with the live shows. Moments like “The Instability of Proto Man” are groovetastic oughta-be crowd pleasers.
If you’re going to Audiofeed this week (you are ;)), catch Death Therapy on the Sanctuary Stage at 8pm on Friday the 5th or in the Asylum, Saturday at 3pm.
Get know Death Therapy a bit more with us below:
Tuned Up: What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Death Therapy: I am a Georgia boy. My favorite ice cream is homemade peach ice cream.
If your band was a cocktail, what would it be?
Cocktail…more like cocktail sauce. A little bit sweet, a little bit spicy, and pairs great with fresh shrimp. That’s Death Therapy in a nutshell.
What’s a memorable live show you’ve played? Why?
Christmas Rock Night in Germany. It was just a great crowd, and a great experience to play both on a large stage and then a smaller more intimate stage the next day.
What music, books, or films have impacted you in the past year? Why?
Two words. Andrew Peterson. His music and books have been a big impact on me the last year or two. Love his writing style, both musically, and in literature.
What is your one weird thing you never tour without?
A comfortable pair of basketball shorts for long trips.
What is that don’t miss spot in your hometown?
Casey’s in Winder, GA. Best burgers and cheese steaks on the planet–and I’ve had them in a lot of places on the planet.
Besides Audiofeed, what is a don’t miss event?
Uprise Fest in Shippensburg, PA. One of the best festivals we play year in and year out. Always great for a variety of styles of music too.
Death Therapy just released Voices. Is there something in particular you hope people will get from this record?
I hope they will take the time to sit down and experience the whole thing. It is meant to be a journey, and taking just one song out of context here or there won’t ruin that song, but it won’t really give a full picture of the album.
What is the most exciting thing happening in your world right now?
A video game called Hollow Knight. It’s quite possibly the best game I’ve ever played. And I didn’t expect that, as I have generally passed when I was really into video games.