Stroll on to these songs [single reviews]

By Ryan G

MUTEMATH – “Stroll On”: Here are what some friends of TU had to say.

“Both of their new songs gave me classic MM vibes and it doesn’t surprise me to know they were both “shelf” songs in some way shape or form. I dig it mostly because I’ve listened to S/T an embarrassing amount of times and am preconditioned to love the non-pop experimental side of the band. I give it a 6.5/10, hit parade is a 7.5/10 imho. Used to is still a 10/10 if you’re wondering what my scale is!” – Benjamin Howard of Pluto Revolts

“Coming from a die hard fan, and from a first listen this is not one of my favorite tracks honestly. The breakdown at the end is the main draw of this song for me. Can see why some people would think this is highly influenced by the S/T because of that. I think this song has a lot more heavy electronic vibes more like from Vitals, but feels like maybe Paul had some inspiration from his Seven Lions collaboration as the synths sound very much like what would come from an EDM song. Maybe it’ll grow on me, but I’m glad they picked Hit Parade as their first single.” – Kristin Hill,

“I really dig this song. The melody lines and the multiple layers of synths remind me a lot of Jamiroquai songs.” – Diego Villasmil of Hello Luna

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ElectroBluesSociety feat. Kim Snelten – “Duck”: If you’re in the mood for something easy listening but not sleep-inducing, this song hits the spot. I’m not particularly into jam bands but for some reason I got lucky this afternoon when clicking through promo emails. This was the first song in a unread Tuned Up email that popped up, and it’s suiting my Saturday afternoon summer coffee shop mood perfectly. I think this band should play Columbus’ ComFest in the future. All the aging hippies and young guns will love it.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

James Wyatt Crosby – “Pray On It”: Looking for a fresh twist on darkwave and post punk? Check this out. I’m glad I found this song, because it goes well in a write up that also includes a new MUTEMATH track. Equal parts organic and synthetic it feels like. It also has a sort of throwback feel to the type of stuff I was into at ages 12-14, sitting in my parent’s basement playing futuristic racing games and leaning a tape recorder up against the TV speakers to capture that glorious soundtrack.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

Sun Seeker – “Won’t Keep Me Up at Night”: Keeping up with the easy-listening summer vibe discussed in the ElectroBluesSociety track, we have this. A Third Man Records band thrives off soothing harmonies and warm, steady-eddy melodies. The music video itself is a little bit of a downer but fits the somewhat pensive direction of the song. I’ll definitely be keeping an ear out for what these guys are up to next!

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