“I couldn’t wait for the summer and the Warped Tour” very well might be one of the truest things ever written by Blink-182. This was/is the case for so many fans of punk rock. Or should I say music in general? The reason I say this is because as much as I was a punk rock kid, the Warped Tour is more than that. I myself am guilty as well of not liking the line-ups each summer because there isn’t enough punk-rock on the bill. This traveling festival has never been just punk rock. Let’s think about it for a second. In its first year in 1995 the tour was headlined by Quicksand and L7. Seaweed was also on the tour. Then in 1996 we had 311, Beck, and a little band named Blink-182. 1997 saw Sugar Ray and Limp Bizkit take the stage. One that I remember my friends coming back talking about was 1999. There was a rapper playing that was crazy. His name was Eminem. Lets also not forget the year that Katy Perry played. So, what is my point here? My point is this; the Warped Tour is about helping artists get exposure, no matter the genre. It is about having a good time. And yes like I mentioned above I will from time to time whine about the line-up but the thing is I still end up going. Even at my age I still look forward to this traveling festival. Over the years I have watched it grow and change into something beautiful. Kevin Lyman has to be doing something right to have the longest running tour/festival in North America. July 30, 2013 will go down as one of the best Warped Tours I’ve attended.
Finally seeing August Burns Red and actually enjoying their set.
Eating free cereal all day. The lines for food were long all day. So every time we walked by the Kellogg’s tent we got cereal. My buddy survived on cereal and beef jerky.
Since I didn’t buy food this meant I would buy more merch.Which I love.
Becoming a total fan girl during The Wonder Years set. This happens every time I see them.
Other bands that rocked that day includes; Chiodos (glad to see Craig Owens back), Citizen, The Used, While She Sleeps, Mixtapes, Defeater, Man Overboard and Stick To Your Guns.
Talking to people about Come&Live (Records).
Missing The Chariot. They played at 11:15. Not cool.
Missing Letlive for the hundredth time. They played at the same time as The Wonder Years. I’m starting to think it is meant for me not to see this awesome live band.
My friends in To Kill A Monster and This Is A Lifetime did not play this date. They played the Cleveland date.