This is your brain on heavy (tunes)

By Ryan G

Phinehas – “Dead Choir”: Phinehas has risen up the ranks of favorite live bands in recent months. I had seen them before, but watching them lay Austin to waste in a tiny tent on 6th Street just catapulted my appreciation for them even further. “Dead Choir” is the first single off their next record, which I will definitely be buying. Phinehas takes every cliche thing people love about metal songs and mesh it into something that is just so much fun to listen to. They are at the top of their game and I’m stoked. Are you of faith and want to follow a spiritual journey within? You’re in luck!


Ancient Sky – “Garbage Brain”: I credit Brujas Del Sol for getting me into psychedelic space rock. I think that’s what enabled me to really get into Ancient Sky. The tones envelop me like some sort of spacesuit blanket preparing me for takeoff by means of sonic osmosis. The mood is almost reverent. What are the spritual beliefs of the band? I have no clue. But hearing this makes me think of how awesome it would be to hear this kind of music in a worship environment. Allow your being to get lifted toward the One who’s image is born within this creativity. The title of the song feels ironic now.

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Blessing a Curse – “Down the Rabbit Hole”: Orlando churns out a fair amount of cool bands, and Blessing a Curse is a recent discovery of mine. The song is eerie and probably not one I’d frequently visit. The topic matter is heavy though (no pun intended). The song is intensely personal, which makes up for some of the more generic elements. I have appreciation for how versatile the rough vocals are though. The application of the lyrical themes in the song seem to generally open, in spite of the personal background. I think this is intentional – the singer took his personal testimony and adapted it into something relatable for many.


Ana Sapphira – “Heavy Hands”: I feel like I should have come across a solid band from New Hampshire by now, but well here we are! Ana Sapphira blends hardcore and metal, but leaning more heavily on the metal side. The tempo is a little slow for hardcore in my book! The band has a history of playing alongside faith based bands, where they bring a fresh sound to the scene. They do not trade musical creativity for Christian marketing!

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Outside the Academy – “Rebel (Revels)”: This is a solo project that is heavy in a slightly different way than what we’ve heard above. Musician Pawel Cholewa has experience in rock, electronic and folk bands, and is ready to take his solo brand of glitchy looping skills everywhere. This heavy song just weighs on you in an ethereal and foreboding way.


Of Allies – “ONE19”: UK alt-metal collective Of Allies aims to get in your head off the bat, and “ONE19” succeeds at doing just that. The DIY mindset definitely applies here, although it sounds way more polished than most DIY bands. Shoot, I know bands who recorded professionally that don’t sound nearly this good. Also, there’s a cool hook and a fun little breakdown near the bridge of the song. Who doesn’t love a breakdown? This is for the angry 14-year-old in you.



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