These discoveries could make you someone’s hero

By Ryan G

The Promise Hero: This acoustic drive pop punk project brings a breath of fresh air to a saturated genre that, while stocked with talent, often get criticized for all sounding alike. The Promise Hero is pop punk for the casual pop punk fan. And with the recent downfall of rising star Front Porch Step, could The Promise Hero be ready to take the reins? This artist is touring nationally this winter.


Daveit Ferris: This singer songwriter is releasing a new tune each day of 2015 in a project he’s calling 365 Sparks. That’s right. Not a typo. A new song. Every. Single. Day. This. Year. Ferris is worth keeping an eye on, if for no other reason than the fact that this is the only publicly promoted project of its kind that I’m aware of. Songwriters being prolific is nothing new – letting each song see the light of day, no matter how weak, strong, vulnerable, or fun is something to be admired. This is especially applicable given the circumstances surrounding the inspiration of the project – a circumstance that left Ferris near death and in the hospital toward the end of 2013. Here’s a couple of recent tunes by Ferris, who is based in Derry, Northern Ireland.

[soundcloud url=”″  /] [soundcloud url=”″ /]

Pluto Revolts: The band names Radiohead and MUTEMATH as two of their primary influences. When a band namedrops like that, you have to pay attention, because the payoff is going to be excellent or spectucularly terrible. Fortunately, the band’s 2012 single “Lightning” falls into the former category. The opening riff and buildup is very MUTEMATH-esque. Given the band’s recent show schedule ramping things up, it stand’s the the Cincinnati based group has new tunes coming this year. Sweetness. I for one plan on seeing them play Columbus with The Wet Darlings and Playing to Vapors in Columbus on February 21st.

[soundcloud url=”″  /]

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  1. Relevant Discovery | Daveit Ferris - […] Read – […]
  2. IAMTUNEDUP.COM - Relevant Discovery • 365 Sparks - A Creative Song Project - […] Read – […]

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