Sink your teeth into these tunes

By Ryan G

Pianos Become the Teeth – “Late Lives”: Driving piano (appropriate, eh?) begins this banger of a track. This track is my first foray into exploration of a band I’ve heard several friends rave about, and I’m hooked. If you want to hear a piano led track that is neither a ballad nor pop – check this out.


Lorde – “Yellow Flicker Beat”: Thank you, Lorde, for making a soundtrack single that sounds so cool. An air of mystery carries us into a soaring, desperate sounding synth-laden chorus. This song mixes a dystopian vibe with a determined, “I’m gonna win” anthem suitable for an Olympic ceremony or a sports arena. Nothing too surprising though – we’re talking Lorde here.


Xerxes – “A Toast”: I first heard about this band when local emo/math masterminds Tightwolf Booking partnered with some friends to bring them to Columbus alongside Sport. “A Toast” is a short tune that packs a punch. Great hardcore tinged emo. It made me feel like I was listening to early Underoath – similar emotion, not stylistically, if you get my drift.

[soundcloud url=”″ /]

Act As If – “L.A. Kid”: A dancey track with an unconventional sounding rhythm section. I keep expecting the loud synths to kick in but they don’t – a refreshing change in what I often come across in this sector of alt rock. Bass is used sparingly but effectively – I can really feel those vibrations when it kicks in. Awesome hook, too!

[soundcloud url=”″ /]

United Fruit – “Open Your Eyes”: Interesting that an intro places saccharine instrumentation up against abrasive vocals. The promising start gives way to unmemorable verses but happily the call to “Open your eyes…” in the chorus is anthemic enough to hold my interest. As is the bridge. Warm swells take us into the last quarter of the song. I gotta say, this song just doesn’t let up – no pause in the bridge to create a buildup. It just churns right along.

[soundcloud url=”″/]

Asylums – “I’ve Seen Your Face in a Music Magazine”: Ya gotta love loud post-punk-ish tunes with lots of reverb and fast drums. Surf-rock sounding vocals deliver one of the strongest choruses I’ve heard in this general umbrella of music. A lot less people would be bored by this style of rock if people delivered like Asylums. Just don’t go insane, or they’ll have to send ya to the, you guessed it, asylum.


Emmas Ringer – “Hong Kong”: If you can make it past the creepy, confusing 30 seconds of Buddhas and odd footage in this music video you’ll happen upon a doozy of a track that combines a dash of screamo-vocals, grungy guitars, abrasive high pitched singing, and a driving rhythm section. Just play this song next time someone says they wanna travel somewhere – this can be your way of tongue-in-cheek arguing that you want to go somewhere else… like Hong Kong.


Erin Rea – “Let the Light”: This quietly optimistic pop song showcases Rea’s unique vocals against a backdrop of introspective piano driven instrumentals. Erin’s appeal comes from her not quite silky smooth vocals – a trait she embraces with class and uses to her advantage. The song meanders along the same, well marked trail for all of the nearly four minutes – I didn’t know when the verse ended and the chorus started at first. But that’s all good. This makes a good easy listening track with a nice message if you take the time to listen closely.


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