Pikefruit – Inflorescence

By Ryan G

I’m a creature of habit. I enjoy my routine comforts. I also listen to a wide spectrum of music. One might say my listening habits with aggressive music balance out my propensity for the mushier, creature comfort lifestyle habits I engage in. Every once in a while, I’ll engage with an artist that encourages me to fully embrace my cushy side.

Pikefruit is one of those bands.

May is one of the prettiest times of year in Ohio. Save for the 40 degree weather and snowfall a few weeks ago (wow, that was weird, but also very on brand for Ohio), this time of year is colorful and fresh. Pikefruit brings to the table a spritelike vibe and childlike vocals. While Purity Ring seems to exist in the ethereal darkness, Pikefruit ditches the creepy lyrics for a dreampop soundtrack fitting for sunrise and a walk through your backyard garden.

This debut LP borders on too cutesy at times, but when all elements come together there’s a payoff waiting. I’ve never been a huge fan of music box sound effects, but the lead up into the album opener “So We Begin” makes sense in that context—though I wish they got to the point a little bit faster. The real payoff is in tracks like “Clockwork”—a deep cut that stares into the face of surrealism without outright crossing into that territory. The band embraces darker tones in a way where they seem timid about in other tracks. Another payoff comes in how they aren’t content to let you completely zone out. Each moment is purposeful. Things that seem disjointed in passing listens actually aren’t upon closer scrutiny. Still another payoff comes in “Play Your Game,” a track that is undeniably dreampop yet contains elements that are nostalgic to me. Vague elements of, dare I say, Eurodance, break through. Early Youth Lagoon fans will appreciate these songs as well.

If you sense I’m stream of consciousness in this review—well, you’re right. But that’s what dreamy music does: seemingly random anecdotes connect and make sense in the moment. Pikefruit isn’t for everyone, but those willing to explore will find some gems in this Seattle group.

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