LITE – Multiple

By Ryan G

In the past, I’ve found albums of straight math rock to be a bit too cerebral for my taste. My sentiment, even when listening to widely acclaimed acts like CHON, has always been along the lines of “they’re great musicians, but this isn’t for me.”

However, in the spirit of pushing myself as a music journalist, I decided to give LITE’s Multiple an honest listen. Also, their label Topshelf Records historically has been an underrepresented label in the blogosphere. LITE are an acclaimed act that have been on the periphery of my radar for a while, so this seemed like a fun opportunity to stretch myself.

And, fun this record is. “Blizzard” blends math rock into an arrangement that gives off the same ambience as dreamy downtempo electronica. The group Chrome Sparks comes to mind. This sound evolves even further on “Ring,” a song that mixes in hip-hop. It is a concoction that, when examined part by part, doesn’t make sense. Yet, it does. I mean, think about it! What do you get when you combine dark sounding deadpan vocals, minimalist electronica, and airy guitarwork? Something really fun, that’s what. Sometimes I feel like I’m watching a math-rock ballet—like in the opening of “4mg Warmth.”

LITE also can go hard when they set their mind to it. “Temples” is an example of a no-frills math rock track that is mostly set in a driving rhythm. Yet,there are moments where things get a little intense and loud. They pull back before things get out of hand though. But why would they? The feeling of the band being in perfect control never leaves.

So what is my bottom line on this record? The honest truth is I probably won’t listen to this on a super regular basis as it still falls in a genre that is not a part of my default listening habits. I have a hard time engaging with on a passive, relaxation basis—however there are plenty of enjoyable moments worthy of playlisting individually. The album is one that demands intentional listening.

Follow LITE on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

-Ryan Getz

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