I’m way too stoked I found and unknown band from Miami (and a few others)

By Ryan G

Ryan Getz recommends:

Sunghosts: This band I discovered while Facebook stalking bands that friends like – awhile back I hosted Rigoletto in Columbus, and that’s who led me to this band (though they may not know it yet). Sunghost reminds me a bit of Bummers from Columbus, but with the grit turned down and the sunshine turned up. I’m not sure I’ve discovered a band from Miami yet, so I’m excited to explore this market more. That first riff is calming in a way I haven’t felt in a long time, but I’m shaken awake in the riffs that follow and grooving to the bass lines that fall into place in “Til Cities Go Under”, which you can stream below:

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/128703785″ /]

MUIR – MUIR is dubbed as “an instrumental art-rock band from Nashville, Tennessee that uses alternate tunings, distorted and delay drenched guitars, grooving bass and intricate drumming to create an awe-inspiring and unique sonic texture.” Pretty accurate I’d say. A case where the band summarizes their sound in a more interesting way than I can. I heard about them through Harper, a post hardcore group from Murfreesboro. By Harper, I really mean fellow Tuned Up contributor Matt Penfound. I like the way the band contrasts the swells of the guitar, washed out vocals in the distance, and beauty in the riffs. It all seems seamless. There’s also some drone-y influences here, if you’re into that.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/170898377″  /]

Samuel Joseph Kim: Cinematic, glitchy electronic music. Glitch music always has a certain underlying mood of tension, no matter how cathartic the balance of the composition is – and the single I used as my jumping off point for this artist is no exception. I heard about this artist from Luke Johnson, who led me to the Emergent Heart project (that we reviewed some time ago). Not all of his stuff is as cathartic – some demand movement, although how joyful that movement is, is left up to question.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/177348697″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Topher Parks recommends:

Sturgeon: It’s been a long time coming, but some while ago I was trolling around for news about forthcoming music from the band Tool, and accidentally stumbled upon progressive rockers Sturgeon in a related forum. The Los Angeles natives employ odd time signatures to a driving rock sound, which is complemented quite well with the singer’s soulful crooning. In a way Sturgeon is like a flashier Tool, but with the vocal charisma of a Sevendust.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/163218984″  /]

The Jury & The Saints : Sometimes I’ll come across a “suggested post” of an unfamiliar band to check out in my Facebook newsfeed, and often when this happens I decide to give the group a shot just for fun. These rocking New Zealanders play a fine blend of catchy punk and melodic hardcore. While the sound isn’t anything groundbreaking, the gang vocals and upbeat instrumentation were enough to pique, and hold, my interest.



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