I have no idea what to title this, but here’s another single reviews post

By Ryan G

Temple Invisible – “Everything From Above”: Listening to Temple Invisible is like hearing an engine roar to life, and then being surprised at how elegant it sounds. On one hand, you hear effects akin to a laser gun going “pew pew pew” sci-fi movie style, yet you hear beautiful vocals that strip away the cheese. Let me repeat – there is nothing cheesy about this song. Not even in the endearing sense.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/180507794″ /]

Lucy B – “I Still”: This song is lounge ready balladry for dancing on near the end of a night out. While the song carries a hint of amateurish vibes with it, and while we hear some love song cliches, its important to note that cliches are cliches for a reason. Lucy sings these things that are relatable. And even if you’ve heard them before, sometimes it is still nice to know that someone else has been where you are – or have a new medium to express your feelings to someone.


Ward White – “Drive Thru”: Ward White grabs you by the shoulders and pointedly says “You! Yes, you! Headbang now! Or else!” to which you fervently nod “ok!” That was actually sort of like what happened when I first played this track. The head banging was so instantaneous it might as well have been involuntary. For fans of Queens of the Stone Age.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/165926761″ /]

Ryan Link – “Under the Rug”: This song is a little rock, a little country, and a little pop. I find myself going “wait a minute, how that little country ditty get past my ‘no country’ filter?” For the record, no such filter ACTUALLY exists, its just a metaphor for my personal preferences. Bluesy guitars certainly help Link make his case for a solid track as well.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/181870718″ /]

Lola Colt – “Heartbreaker”: I want to see this band perform alongside The Wet Darlings sometime. The vocals are badass, as is the tune in general. It just sort of casually grooves. Yeah, that’s all I gotta say about that.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/188453643″/]

Blossomer – “Foreign Nature”: After the raucous rock and roll earlier in this post, it is kind of nice to have something dreamy to bring me down to earth. I feel like sitting on the edge of a pond at twilight, but in some other world. I keep thinking of a green sky. I’m not a person with synaethesia, but if I were to give this a color it would probably be neon green. No relation to the song artwork… I think. I’d also like to hear this band collaborate with M83 sometime.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/189114359″ /]

Valaska – “Espejismo”: If Blossomer’s track has an effect of cool water, Valeska is a warm bath at the end of the day. Why do you think I put it last in this article? It wouldn’t make sense to start with something like this. The song is kind of melancholy, but only just enough to make you slightly pensive and not push your psyche straight into the land of the feels.


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