Hoosier Monthly Digest: July 2019 Edition

Allison Victoria – “Let Go”: After what has seemed like an eternity (okay, I’m being a little overdramatic, but still…), singer Allison Victoria has finally graced our ears with her debut single. Upon hearing “Let Go” though, it will immediately become apparent to you that this single was well worth the wait. Victoria’s voice is just as powerful and soulful here as it sounds in person; meanwhile, her message is both uplifting and empowering. And with a hard-hitting, watery backing beat that prominently features producer Mandog, “Let Go” is the R&B tune we’ve been waiting to hear for years and the perfect soundtrack for all of those summer parties.

E. VINCENT – “Hours”: Speaking of R&B tunes that double as perfect summer soundtracks, for the first time since Sirius Blvck last August and September, I’m breaking one of my own unspoken rules and featuring an artist for the second column in a row. With a stellar new single like “Hours” just out though, I couldn’t not take note of E. VINCENT. His unique vocals—a style I’m calling raspy yet soulful—are once again the driving force behind this one. This time around, though, VINCENT features subtle guitarwork that helps make this fun, live-in-the-moment type love song simultaneously feel like a blazing rocker.

Bitter Breath – “Enjoy the View”: As if the Midwest’s finest up and coming metalcore collective wasn’t already brutal enough with their debut single “Blameless,” they now turn things up several more notches with this all-out aural assault. Can you count how many times Bitter Breath changes tempo on this four-minute track? Did you even notice that they changed tempo at all? It’s something executed so seamlessly that the untrained ear may not even pick up on it initially. No doubt, “Enjoy the View” offers up plenty of intensity throughout, but it also boasts an underlying beauty, something else you’ll likely miss if you’re not listening closely enough.

Helpling – “Lies”: Anything that may be lacking in production on pop singer-songwriter Helpling’s newest single is more than made up for with its charm. It lies (I’m almost sorry for the terrible pun) right at the junction of 1970’s funk, 1980’s synth pop, and 2010’s electronic. It’s a unique groove that feels retro and nostalgic yet fresh at the same time. Sonically, “Lies” is a fun summery vibe while lyrically Helpling asks a far deeper question. Take a listen and you’ll instantly hear what I mean.

Alex Franc – “Walls”: I discovered Alex Franc at Soundspace’s inaugural studio session a couple of weeks back thanks to an enjoyable performance that made me wish I’d caught wind of his music far sooner. His most recent project, Beautiful Noise, came out almost a year ago, but the EP’s standout second track “Walls” is the whole reason why I’m writing about him in the first place, as it was my favorite moment from seeing him perform. On the surface “Walls” is fun, chill guitar-oriented pop, but once you hear the song’s lyrics, you’ll be fascinated with this mood that seems to contradict the music around it.

Double A – “Feast”: Double A is no doubt one of Indianapolis’ most consistent artists, regardless of genre. The rapper and entrepreneur has released a solid project in each of the past few years, and his newest EP How Soon They Forget is no exception (particularly on “Feast”). I shared an a cappella video of him performing the opening verse of this song not too long ago, and after hearing the entire EP I can honestly say that “Feast” still sticks with me as much as it did initially, more so than the rest. Both Double A and steady collaborator Willis bring the heat, the beat goes extra hard, and the track’s wordplay is phenomenal, packing in all kinds of clever double entendres.


You can find all of my Hoosier picks in one place, whether you use SoundCloud or Spotify, each with its own set of exclusives and updated monthly. Be sure to go follow the playlist if you like what you hear and feel free to let me know of any up and coming Hoosiers you think I should feature next month.

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