Coasts – Coasts EP

By Ryan G

(by Ryan Getz)

Coasts is a band I first heard of a few months ago through my friends in Graceful Closure. They had been offered a spot opening for these dudes at a small venue. They ended up turning the show down due to the proximity, time-wise, to another Graceful Closure show, but the name stuck in my head.

Coasts is yet another band getting reviewed on Tuned Up that’s going the alternative pop route. This is a summer band. With a name like “Coasts,” does that really surprise you? Listening to “Oceans” conjures images of a drumline beating on floor toms on a beach in southern Florida. Why southern Florida? Because that’s where I went on vacation growing up and this song captures feelings of tropical nostalgia from me.

“Modern Love” changes the setting. The first comparison that comes to my mind is Columbus indie-psych-pop group Way Yes, with their unique percussion arrangements. It should be noted that Coasts’ sound is far more accessible than Way Yes, though both are good. I’m sure a song like “Modern Love” would be trashed on Pitchfork, but who cares if you’re hearing a feel good anthem, as long as you’re enjoying it?

“Stay” mixes the tropical vibes of the previous tracks with a straightforward pop rock sound, complete with lots of “whoa-oh-ohs” for mass consumption.

“A Rush of Blood” is not the Coldplay song! This song is a lot more outwardly cheerful, for instance. It’s also the song that swayed me toward wanting to review this EP. It also brings for a sense of urgency to join a group on a journey that’s unknown but gonna be a blast.

Coasts doesn’t reinvent the wheel, but if you’re wanting something straightforward to rock out to this summer, this should be a go-to. It ought to get you pumped for their forthcoming full length, too.

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Score: 3.8/5

Coasts: Facebook | iTunes

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