Audiofeed 2015 preview: Lauryn Peacock

By Ryan G

(by Ryan Getz)

The only time I’ve ever seen Lauryn Peacock play is in the basement of a good friend’s house, around 3 years ago. She sat at her red keyboard in that tiny basement and sang and played the crap out of that keyboard with a quiet elegance. I used intense language because she’s good. If I recall correctly I think a standout song from that set was called “Ocean Crawler.” I’m glad I’ll get to hear her in her full orchestral form this summer because playing in a basement, though cool, doesn’t quite capture the feel she’s going for, I think. At least, I think I’ll be hearing a band form this summer. I should have done my due diligence.

Either way, I’m sure it will be great. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be talking about it. Look for a review of her new album Euphonia in the coming weeks. Check out Lauryn’s answers to our pre-Audiofeed Q&A below:

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Q: Summer festivals seem to be the in thing now, if you had your own, what would it be called? And who would you get to play it?

A: The Listening Tent Festival – I know, catchy ;)… Perhaps simply ‘Listening Tent (Fest).’ I’m really into listening room environments for shows right now.

This festival is held over 4th of July weekend. What is your favorite 4th of July tradition?

My grandmother was really great at setting off fireworks with us and then burning things in buckets when the fireworks ran out. That’s what comes to mind, as my upcoming album is named after her – I have ‘Euphonia’ on the brain. Also: playing Cornerstone Fest – and now Audiofeed Fest, every year, and then catching up with my family on a lake Up North in Wisconsin is a favorite tradition. That cabin was just officially sold – so we will be bidding it farewell (sadly), after many years – this year’s Audiofeed fest will mark the last time for that tradition, at least for a while!

Sweet tea or lemonade?

Lemonade (I’m *almost* a southerner – but not yet, obvs!).

Describe your band in 3 words.

Orchestral Indie Folk

If you have played this festival before what is your favorite thing about it? If not what are you looking forward to?

I love the Radon Lounge and Arkansas Stages: the bands and friends who play there and the family-reunion feel that exists with artists and fest-goers alike – helps make the fest a favorite slice of my year.

What’s your favorite fair/festival food? What fair food would pair best with your sound?

Elephant Ears, even though I’m not allowed to have them…They don’t let the artists eat them. J/k: wheat allergy. Second place: kabobs. Oh, with my sound? Coffee, hot or iced – anything that makes you want to sit down with a friend and have a conversation (but not during my set of course 😉 ).

Is the band trying to send a message to the world? If so, what?

Be yourself, please. Feel things. Experience joy and beauty.

What summer blockbuster has you most stoked? This can include movies that are already out.

No idea… I like the local art house theatre near where I live: whatever they are playing. Already out: I’m excited about the Kurt Kobain doc, ‘Montage of Heck’ – I think that came out at the end of April, which almost feels like Summer in Nashville.

What’s the one band from your area everyone needs to know about and why?

Almost impossible to choose (Nashville) – Here’s three – wait, four: Molly Parden, Thad Kopec, Isaac Gill, Henry MacAfee. Simply because they write amazing songs and sing them well.

Who are you most excited to see on the Audiofeed lineup and why?

Almost impossible to choose, again:

Waterdeep: Because I have never had the opportunity to see them play and I suggested they play the fest! Soil & the Sun: Because they are a must – I need a couple of their shows in my year.

Also go see: Hushpad, Saudades, Timbre, John Davey, Sick/Sea, Beards, Trouper, Jason Barrows, Nathan Stiteler, Noah James, Glen Kaiser Band, This Heart.

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