Dan Deacon and his light show app

By Ryan G

As has been stated on this site in the past, one of the key things artists need to do to stay ahead of the curve is find new ways to engage their fans, building up their personal “brand”, if you will. The arena allowing for the most creativity and flexibility is probably in the live show. What draws fans in? Other than the music (duh) lights have always been a vital element in engaging the crowd. Some tours put a lot of their weight on simply having a crazy light show (Trans Siberian Orchestra, for example. Those lasers!). Coldplay made it personal by passing out bracelets to all attending their recent world tour in support of Mylo Xyloto, which would then flash in sync to the music. Dan Deacon, despite not being able to sell out arenas (yet) has taken things a step further. Enter the Dan Deacon app. Watch and learn:


That, my friends, is an app which, when activated, can be controlled by Dan Deacon from onstage. Every phone in the audience becomes simultaneously a light and an instrument. And, there’s a nifty little instrument gimmick for patrons to fiddle with when they’re not at a show. Clever!

Dan Deacon is on to something, because by offering a free app he makes his fans feel special and gives them incentives to attend a live show, adding to revenue. People need incentives. Plus, who’s to say there couldn’t be an “upgraded” version of the app that could be worth a small fee? Shoot, this would work on me…

This editorial was inspired by an article on Hypebot.

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